Sunday, December 22, 2013

Stress Free Christmas Decorating Using Antique Collections...Well Almost!


Every Christmas many of us look forward to holiday home tours.  It is a treat to visit homes bursting at the seams with decorating ideas.  Often the homeowners have enlisted help in order to be ready.  They have a deadline and their goal is to be ready for the tour.   Though most of us have set a deadline in our minds for our decorating we do not have the pressure of groups of people wandering through our homes and gardens that have paid a fee in exchange for holiday ideas.

Quite a few of us are still trying to finish decorating a mantle or dining room table with company just a few days away.  I have complied a some pictures that require a few of your favorite things, some greenery, and flowers.  For those that collect antique sterling silver or silver plate you are fortunate to have a items that sparkle with the season.  Remember to always use some form of liner in your silver when using it to hold flowers or greenery.  The decay of green leaves or stems can damage to silver.
Group collections of wooden boxes, tortoise shell items, mother of pearl items on mantles with pine branches tucked around them.  Copper food molds, pewter chargers, and antique wooden bowls gathered together in the kitchen need only a bit of greenery to unify them.  I have been collecting copper for years.  Copper anything!  I have quite a few small copper food molds and miniature items.  For years I have used them along with a growing collection of cookie cutters,some new some old, on a garland surrounding a kitchen door.  It is a tradition that my grown children still ask about.
I always am asked " Are you doing the garland with copper this year?" 

Merry Christmas and Happy Antique Collecting
                                                      Tea pot collection and red flowers                                                                
Red flowers and greenery
 Southern Accents

                                                             Silver bowls and trays
                                                                         Southern Accents

                                                           Silver cups, greenery, and flowers

                                                               Simple window boxes
                                                                     Martha Stewart

My copper food molds and cookie cutters
More of my garland and copper
My favorite copper molds...found last year in England
Shaped as a Horse foot with shoes