Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Decorating a barn bathroom

It seems like forever since I posted on my blog.  The weeks have flown by as my husband and I have been busy landscaping, building a barn, and nursing an injured horse.  My big gelding Ben took quite a bit of my time for weeks.  The time was worth it and it is nice to be have him healthy again.  We have been able to take a few long walks in the fields and on the trails recently.

So now I am back focusing on the barn which is very close to being finished.  We decided that a small bathroom was a must for the barn.  So many friends and fellow riders have offered input for my small "water closet".  I needed to take space from my tack room for the bathroom and did not want to give up too much space nor did I want it to be impossible to turn around once one walked in.  We finally took chalk and drew lines for the walls on the concrete floor.  Work crews, my builder, my husband, and friends all took turns moving around within the chalk lines.  At last a decision was made and the walls were framed.  One small room......hours of decisions.

Fortunately the decision on what to use in the stable bathroom was not as difficult.  I chose a wall hung sink that will be skirted with burlap.  Baskets of supplies will be kept behind the sink skirt.
I found this great light fixture for the bath. 
The fixture is by Minka Lavery

The tack room will follow the classic lines of a Ralph Lauren advertisement from several years ago but the green walls will be replaced with chocolate brown.  I will of course forgo the white floor!

An antique weather vane that was used in my gardens in past houses now rests atop the barn.
Hopefully it will be finished in about 2 weeks and I can move onto the final finishes including landscaping